Thursday, January 24, 2008

Jon Stewart takes on our economic crisis. Did you know that FOX News is actually blaming it on the fear of a Democratic President? Pathetic.

It starts off a little slow but then Jon hits his stride and it is all insightful comedy goodness after that.

1 comment:

  1. Well, we all knew this day was coming! I LOVED Stewart's phrase, what was it, how only the repubs could PRE-F*CK up the economy?

    But really, this the same nonsense they pulled when Bush first inherited the WH & largest fed surplus ever & right away Karl Rove started putting out the news that the economy was going downhill due to Clinton ... because they all knew they were planning to eff it all up soon & wanted to have in place this pre-spin to cover themselves. They must totally laugh their asses off every night about how this crap works every time.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.