Thursday, January 24, 2008

My government is trying to bribe me into thinking they are doing a good job.

House leaders and the administration reached agreement today on a roughly $145 billion economic stimulus package that would quickly send payments to poor and middle-class workers while offering businesses one-time incentives to invest in new equipment and write off tax losses.

Translation: The economy is broken, so we are giving you money so that can drink yourself numb and stop being afraid.

Under the plan, as many as 117 million people would get rebate checks. Individual income tax filers would receive up to $600, working couples would get up to $1,200, and those with children would get an additional $300 per child.

$600? $600? You are going to fix the recession by giving us $600?

That will only keep me drunk for a week! If you are going to buy me off you are going to have to dig a lot deeper then that! I may be cheap and easy, but I am not that fucking cheap and easy!


  1. oh goody some heat....
    oh goody some food....

    it won't help the 3 million more that are estimated to lose homes by May.....


    and we are suposed to be "happy"....

  2. I know how you feel. I'm personally insulted at the amount they think will jump-start the economy. We are all selling ourselves for $600, while the corporate part of the stimulus plan will be humongous, count on it. Oh & I'm pretty sure whatever they hand out now will come back to bite us when we file 2008 tax returns, same as last time when they pushed the same malarky for $300 each. They can keep their rebate & give me back my country.

  3. Oh & the stimulus money would be borrowed & increase the fed deficit we pass on to our children. What a nice graduation present for them! Where will the money come from? They will print it! Comparisons to postWWI/preWWII German economy are rife, except at least the German melt-down only affected their country. We are on track to take the whole world down with us! That's the American way.

  4. the money won't come , until we send in our taxes....oh goody...


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It just goes directly to their thighs.