Monday, January 14, 2008

More evidence that the New Hampshire vote changed by Diebold machines.

Clinton Optical scan 91,717 52.95%Obama Optical scan 81,495 47.05%

Clinton Hand-counted 20,889 47.05%Obama Hand-counted 23,509 52.95%

The percentages appear to be swapped. This seems highly unusual.

There is much more data in the link above, the gist of which is that there is pretty good evidence that Diebold changed Obama votes to Hillary votes.

The website uses something called "math" to make his point. I have a long and adversarial relationship with "math" and therefore cannot account for the veracity of his claims.

However I am absolutely certain that the Republicans want Hillary in office, and will cheat to get her there. I also am convinced that these Diebold machines are fixed and have been since 2000.

But here is a rather disturbing thought. If the Clinton campaign made some deal to get help from Diebold, then that means they KNOW that they stole the election for George Bush. Or else how would they know that they can help them? And let's face it, they would HAVE to know that something was not right.

If the Clinton's knew, or suspected, that the last two Presidential elections were stolen, and do nothing to bring the people responsible to justice, they are truly screwed! Their reputation is virtually destroyed! That would place them in the same category as George W. Bush.

So much for the Clinton legacy.


  1. So, it's the old swip-swap again! Perfected by Diebold in 2004. Although swapping isn't as bad as flipping, which actually results in a more than 100% gain for the flipper, if you do "the math". At least swapping only reverses the candidates counts. Flipping erases votes from one side & hands them to the other.

    If we can ever set up an accurate method of vote counting, the next task will be a national primary (just like the general), then disband the electoral college system as well as that whole delegate thing.

    As it stands now, a small group of dedicated greedy powerful bastards are controlling not only WHAT candidates we can vote for, but then not even accurately counting our votes. This goes to the very heart of democracy.

  2. holy bless Denis Kucinich for demanding a Hill did not win...( I didn't think so...and I did not think Salt of the Earth Middle aged Women were "swayed" by her Emotional Moment...cough cough)....

    Hopefully the Count issue will be resolved...and soon...

    Now I am very worried about the Feb Super Tuesday...

    Poll errors my ass...

  3. I wrote over at Lydia Cornell's about this post, so you might get some visitors over here tonight...

    BIG hat tip to you fella...this rocked my day..

  4. Wow thanks Enigma!

    I love hat tips!

  5. [[[[[[ ]]]]]

    ( that was me clapping LOUDLY)

  6. Interesting. I wouldn't trust Diebold as far as I can chuck one of their machines. But I think your last three paragraphs are a stretch. I mean both you and I have suspected the last two elections have been stolen; does that mean our reputations are destroyed?

  7. No but I HAVE spoken out about it. And if I were an ex-President, or a senator, I would probably have a much larger forum to make my case and to get an investigation started. In my opinion if any person with the Clinton's political connections that did not start an investigation is complicate in the crime.

    And then if those same individuals then turned to this company to help THEM steal a nomination see my point don't you?


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