Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Obama all but erases Hillary's lead in national polls.

Clinton had dominated in national polls from the outset, holding a 30-point advantage as recently as a month ago, but the competitiveness of the first two contests appears to have reverberated among Democrats across the country.

In the new poll, 42 percent of likely Democratic voters support Clinton (N.Y.), and 37 percent back Obama (Ill.). Clinton's support is down 11 percentage points from a month ago, with Obama's up 14. Former senator John Edwards (N.C.) held third place with 11 percent, followed by Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich (Ohio) at 2 percent.

Obama has proved he is electable, which may have been the only reason that Hillary led in the polls in the first place (Well that and Bill).

I feel that the more the country is exposed to Obama the further he will move forward in the polls and that the more they see of Hillary the further her numbers will slip.


  1. There's a new Rasmussen poll out that shows (once again) Edwards beats all repubs, some by huge margins. Obama does well too (though he loses to McCain by 3-pts). Hillary? When the choice is her vs any other repub, she only prevails over ... get ready for it ... Rat Paul & Fug Thompson! Now to convince primary voters that Hillary might cost us November, while Obama and/or Edwards can take us to the WH.

  2. It has always been my contention that the Republicans are desperate to have Hillary in office either because they can beat her or because they know she will support the status quo.

    And I have to say that the more we learn, the more reinforcement that contention gets.


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