Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Oh it is almost time for another Democratic debate.

What will they wear?

Will they bring up race?

Will John Edwards attack Hillary and protect Obama?

Will Dennis Kucinich's hot wife sit and glare at Hillary? (NBC got a judge to allow them to keep Kucinich out.)

Will Hillary cry?

Oooh I am so excited!

One half hour in I have to say that it is not terribly exciting. Everybody is giving careful answers and being especially careful not to make any statement which might be misconstrued.

I did have an epiphany about why this race is not going well for Edwards, and I am embarrassed that I was not thinking along these lines earlier. He is the same kind of candidate that is always available, he is the white Christian guy up against the first woman and the first African American. He was doomed from the start.

I know that may make me sound like I have been living in a hole somewhere, but I can only explain it the way that Stephen Colbert does on his show. I do not look at Obama and see his race. I also do not look at Hillary and see her gender. So those factors never had any impact on me. In some ways I am exactly what the Democratic electorate is supposed to be. We are not supposed to make our decisions based on the color of their skin or their gender, whether it makes us like them more or less.

For that reason I was not considering that the chance to vote for the first woman in history, or the first black man, would be so compelling to the American people.

I may be too stupid to have this blog.


  1. okay....i am now dizzy from the avatar above...ouch...

    NOW about you----
    you poor thing...you are like many people..you are looking for a president..you are too progressive...too thoughtful..too smart...

    and you are meant to have a blog...

    NOW ....about the Edwards issue- we don't see the Factor you raise- BUT sure enough it was brought up at the debate....first thing...

    I feel sorry for Edwards...always a bridesmaid ....okay not really..but I think he is great...actually he is much better now...and will be even better as a VP....I KNOW he could set Obama straight about the Nuke issue now....( FORGED Docs ???? did you hear that....he is sharp- wow)....

    Hill was still yelling...too shrill for me...oye..

  2. Thanks Enigma.

    You are right. I am too smart.

    Just kidding.

    But you are right that I desperately want a LEADER. And not somebody who wants to lead us into another war. I want a good leader this time.

    And damn it don't we all?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.