Friday, January 11, 2008

Republicans expect Bush's poll numbers to improve dramatically. WTF?

He's a poll cellar-dweller whom even GOP presidential candidates sneer at, but George W. Bush and some congressional backers see happy days for the prez this year. His fans have dubbed it his "legacy year," when they hope to lock in his achievements on the domestic front. Among the items Bush's GOP congressional allies want to work on this month: continuing his tax cuts and extending the controversial No Child Left Behind Act. As for the war, they say, the news has been good, and Bushies believe that their guy will eventually get credit for opening the war on terrorism. But more immediately, they are predicting a remarkable poll shift to about 45 percent favorable by the time he leaves office next year.

I am almost too afraid to consider what such a statement as this might mean.

Bush's poll numbers are lower then any President's in history.

The real economy, not the investment economy, is in the toilet and many believe we are in a recession.

The very unpopular war has no end in sight.

No Child Left Behind is faltering.

There have been White House e-mails destroyed.

Domestic phone calls have been illegally tapped.

Numerous lies have been revealed that were propagated by this administration.

So how is it even remotely possible that this President, George Walker Bush, could possibly move up in the poll numbers?

To be logical one has to think back to a time when George Bush's poll numbers were at their highest. According to Zogby Bush's poll numbers were at 82% immediately after 9-11. They have continued to decline steadily since then.

So it stands to reason that the ONLY way the administration could raise their poll numbers would be if we were to be attacked by terrorists again.

But how could they possibly predict that?

How indeed.


  1. of Watergate Summer here...

    they are insincere people, and Rove is in charge of Bush's Library...
    so of course they will just re-write history....

    Mission Accomplished...

    ( but hey I am worried too..saw Bush dancing this am with a bunch of saudi princes- SWORD Dancing...not a good omen....I just about had a stroke...)

  2. well, hell yeah after watching him "promote peace" and sword dance with the Arabian Princes I am feeling a "Surge " of warmth.....



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