Saturday, January 12, 2008

This is what should be done everytime Diebold machines are involved in any part of the process.

Could New Hampshire be headed for Florida redux?

Just three days after Tuesday’s primary election, the New Hampshire Secretary of State’s office says it will conduct a hand recount of the votes in both the Republican and Democratic primaries starting next Wednesday after receiving formal requests from two candidates this week.

On Friday, Albert Howard, an obscure candidate from Ann Arbor, Mich., who appeared on the Republican ballot and received 44 votes in the primary, hand-delivered his recount request and a down payment of $2,000 to the statehouse in Concord, N.H.

And Dennis Kucinich, an Ohio Congressman and presidential candidate, sent a letter to the New Hampshire Secretary of State asking for a recount of the Democratic ballots. Mr. Kucinich’s letter cited “unexplained disparities between hand-counted ballots and machine-counted ballots.”

I have no idea if the Hillary surge was the result of any hanky panky or not.

I watched "real Time" last night where Bill Maher pointedly brought up the idea that the Republicans want Hillary to be the nominee, and that they might cheat to get that result.

Essentially that is what a lot of us believe. We are convinced that the Republicans do not want to run against Obama, and fear him ever becoming Prresident.

I just cannot understand why ALL of the elections are not being done with paper ballots. After the 2000 and 2004 elections it just seems completely insane that we would allow such a possibly unreliable system to determine the next leader of this country.

BradBlog has been doing an excellent job of tracking the activities of Diebold and the problems that exist with it's machines. There are very serious questions remaining and more then enough reason to walk away from any contracts with that company.

(By the way I simply must give a hat tip to Skippy for bringing my attention to this article.)


  1. of Watergate Summer here....

    excellent post, and I am so glad that you posted the Real Time with it....and btw Tony Snow talking about Voter Fraud....karmic irony....

    Dennis is now raising money for recount...and bless him he should this comes down to math- and something be wrong...very wrong...

    and I would not have been soooooo set on that...but then the very next day the Rove article came out- did he already have it written????

    just asking...

    ( meanwhile CNN has been airing Rudy and Mitt all day....urgh...and NO coverage of DEM all....and MSNBC is in Lockdown mode....and cspan is airing WAR crap....MSM is not wanting any part of an Obama win or battle...we have a problem in this country- and it ain't gender issues....)

  2. saw a Diebold van at the gas station today...

    their motto was on the side of the truck,
    "We never Rest"....

    ( WHAT??? does that mean ? )

    for some reason it really bugged me...could not get it out of my head the rest of the day....


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It just goes directly to their thighs.