Tuesday, January 22, 2008

This kind of stuff just breaks my heart.

The actor Heath Ledger was found dead this afternoon in an apartment in Manhattan, according to the New York City police. Signs pointed to a suicide or an accidental overdose, police sources said. Mr. Ledger was 28.

I am posting this for the most part because my daughter really liked Heath Ledger. She had a mad crush on him after he appeared in the movie "10 Things I Hate About You".

I cannot help but be amazed and saddened that somebody with so much would feel the need to use pharmaceuticals to help him deal with his life. What is it about reality that makes it so painful for some people?

I feel especially bad for his young daughter. I cannot imagine a father who would abandon his child no matter how powerful his demons were.


  1. From what I hear- my son expert on all things Hip....
    He loved his daughter more than anything...he just finished working very hard on the Batman Movie...his most haunted performance ever.....

    He had a scheduled a massage- that is very much someone that is trying to take care of self...in bed at 3pm after much hard work and travel....Sounds like Exhaustion and jet lag.....Prescription meds were found at the bedside, the story about pills scattered around body- Police came out and denied about an hour ago...

    I am more skeptical that he took some over the counter meds that did not mix with prescription meds...( initial reports were that he died of cardiac arrest- OD's do not cause Cardiac arrest....OD's of certain drugs cause resp suppression....)

    Okay there the ER nurse has weighed in....

    Very very sad....6-6 is also very sad about this- says he was and is an amazing actor...was really looking forward to his performance in Batman....it is to be the biggest hit movie next year.....and esp Ledger's performance....

  2. Now the news is saying it might be related to Ambien....( yeah, another untested wonder drug)

  3. Don't forget the pneumonia complication. Ambien, oh lord, just thinking about that in combo with other OTC's & Rx's .... jeez, he was so young & really getting on top of his game. just heartbreaking.

  4. okay...so I did some research on Ambien and Cold MEDS ( OTC)....indeed Trouble....it did interact with certain cold meds- poorly- esp meds with Codiene ( which with a cold- or pneumonia he probally was on a cough suppressent)....apparently both drugs would potentiate the resp suppression ( that means that they both would have increased effect- there have even been cases of sleep apnea because of this issue- boy they don't say that on the ad)...

    The other issue that is a HUGE problem and is all over the literature- that ambien causes AMNESIA...and so when the person awakes groggy- they can not remember what and when which meds were taken- it has multiple warnings of this...and most of the articles do also say it does not mix welll with other drugs- even taken the same day- not even in close proximity- so god forbid if he mixed meds and was sick....

    So so sad....

    ( you know Congress will hold hearings on the damn Baseball Steroid Mess- Why not on this ??? these frigging drugs are advertized more than candy- Lunestra and Ambien in particular- and I could not find the TESTING info at all)

    sorry....this just infuriates me no end...

  5. Oh trust me when I say that I am just as irritated by this medicinal potpourri that invades my air waves every day.

    We are a nation of pill poppers and it is something that makes me worry for the future of our species.

    People should be eating right and exercising in order to have a full and healthy life, not destroying their bodies and then trying to find a wonder drug to fix the problem.

    I could definitely go on for hours on this subject.

  6. During the Debates watch who the sponsers are....
    yup...Lunestra and Ambien ( also Bill O's)....Countdown used to have....but now he has the Cialis market and Nice cars.....( the Debates also had Coal and CSX- pretty Reuke sponsers)

    Ambien and Lunestra had almost nil testing before release onto market...and Ambien - I have never ever heard of a sleep med where there are recorded cases of Sleep Apnea and Amnesia LEFT on the market...and not reported to the public at all....

    really really scary....

    ( I don't like any of the drug mess that is out there- and the prescription mess is far more dangerous than anything we all grew up with... from zoloft to Lunestra to Viagra)

  7. Okay....my son and I have been following this...and you can share this with your daughter-

    Pneunomia ( which this nurse can not spell)...
    meds from England prescribed...( I hope Codeine is not there- but I bet it is)

    Antihistamines _ those are the ones that combined with Ambien have the greatest risk of sleep apea...

    there were no illegal drugs found, and no pills scattered- so it really does look like an accidental death...so sad...

  8. No less sad, but good to know he did not voluntarily leave his daughter's life.

    There are just too many pills available, with too little information known about them.

  9. and the "massuese " called Mary Kate Olson before calling 911.....

    from so sad to creepy questions....

    still for the sake of his daugther...I do hope they figure it out...

    I stll think it is about Ambien...and how it can cause Sleep Apea ( esp taken with anthistamines or codiene...) I hope that Congress has hearings on the stuff...it is is sooooo dangerous..


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