Saturday, January 12, 2008

You can see the Real Time segment talking about the New Hampshire voting discrepancy here.

It is really painful watching Tony Snow try to connect the question of hacked voting machines to the Republicans "voter fraud" red herring by suggesting the answer to the problem might be new "Voter I.D.'s". That is simply anohter way for the Republicans to try and fix the election.

"The machines aren't working, let's go to plan B."

While I do support the striking writers, I have to say that last night's Real Time was one of the best ones I have ever seen. Even WITH Tony Snow.

1 comment:

  1. of Watergate Summer here.....

    thank you for posting, I had to give up my HBO to save money....and the only reason I had it was for Bill and for the documentaries..

    wow...stunning clip....
    and Tony Snow has not been rehired by I wonder WHO he is working for ? ( he still looks wretched....)


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