Friday, February 01, 2008

Alaska's lone Congressman is sweating money.

Over the course of 2007, U.S. Rep. Don Young's re-election campaign spent $854,035 on legal fees, according to a new report filed on Thursday. And Alaska's lone congressman still isn't saying what the lawyers are doing for the money.

Whatever Don Young did wrong he is working very hard to keep it from being discovered.

My assumption is that he is deeply connected in the Veco scandal. He has been in bed with the oil companies for decades and I cannot imagine anybody getting a kickback and Don Young missing his portion of the pie.

But to even the casual observer it must be clear that an innocent man does not spend almost a million dollars on legal fees unless he is scared out of his wits and knows that his days are numbered.

Is Don Young guilty? Does the Pope wear funny hats?

I am just excited to know that we may get a Democrat as a Representative for the first time since 1973.


  1. ahemmmmmm

    your assumption is indeed dead on.....

    ( VECO has more skeletons than the Cryptkeeper....and poor Dukey is down on the pokey feeling sooooo chatty into year 2 of Imprisonment...)

    I would think Teddy would be a might nervous too.....

  2. I agree about Ted, but at least he has a bunch of support up here still.

    Don is simply dead in the water.

    He has been filling the airwaves with the weakest political advertisements I have ever seen.

    "I know I will not always be Alaska's Congressman, but seniority should count for something!"


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