Friday, February 01, 2008

If you are still struggling to decide between Obama or Clinton this will definitely make it easier to decide.

If the Crypt Keepers daughter endorses you then the powers of good must gather to ensure that you do not gain a position of influence. It is in the Bible, look it up!

You know I promised myself I would never post an Ann Coulter story again, but really how could I not post this?

Now I have to have my blog exorcised.


  1. maybe Annie wants that VP slot....


  2. oh...and you owe me a new keyboard...I can not scrape that much vomit...

    ( oh pointed out that this was Hill's ONLY endorsement today ;-)

  3. I will get that check right out to you.

    Wait a minute, don't you have a laptop?

  4. hehe....

    even a laptop has a keyboard though ;-(

    (hhm I should have complained about eye damage...)


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.