Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Caucusing in the Great land.

Both Democrats and Republicans say "Super Tuesday" appeared to set records for voter participation this early in the presidential campaigns.
Traffic crawled in near gridlock along Debarr Road Tuesday night as voters parked in faraway parking lots and jogged to Begich Middle School to join in the Anchorage Democratic caucus.
"This is unbelievable ..." Anchorage Mayor Mark Begich told an overflowing crowd of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama supporters. "I didn't know there was this many Democrats in this city."
The turnout busted local Democrats predictions.
"I've heard over and over from people that they haven't felt this excited since 1968," said Anchorage Democrats co-chair Peggy Wilcox. "They're motivated by the war, they're motivated by the economy, and they're just ready to see a change.

Wow! What an experience!

Huge crowds, poor coordination, lots of enthusiasm, and literally the biggest traffic jam that I have ever seen in Anchorage, Alaska.

The caucus was held in the brand new Begich Middle School, which nobody could find on a map. But if that was somebody's tricky way to try and keep people from showing up, it failed miserably. The crowd was huge! There were over 3,700 Democrats that showed up and we simply shut down the whole area.

There was so much confusion and poorly coordinated attempts at crowd control. I was moved from room to room, as the number of Obama supporters kept overfilling each room we were placed in. The temperature outside was about 5 or 6 below zero but inside each room we were boiling hot.

But we got it done! Obama received twice the number of votes as Hillary Clinton.

And I am proud to say that one of those votes was mine.

And by the way in case you did not hear, YES WE CAN! And we will.

P.S. Sorry for the poor quality of the pictures. I meant to take a bunch more but after I had taken the ones above my batteries failed. Damn the luck!


  1. Good for you...wonderful....So proud that I know an Alaskan that voted for Obama...

  2. thank you for documenting the moment.....

  3. WOW..I just looked at this again...5
    that is quite a crowd....


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