Wednesday, February 06, 2008

So who was the big winner last night?

With the delegate count still under way, NBC News said Obama appears to have won around 840 delegates in yesterday’s contests, while Clinton earned about 830 — “give or take a few,” Tim Russert, the network’s Washington bureau chief, said on the “Today” show.

The running totals for the two, which includes previous contests and the party officials known as “superdelegates,” are only about 70 delegates apart, Russert said.

The bottom line is that the two are virtually tied.

Obama won 13 states, some of them smaller, and Clinton won eight.

The Obama surge continues to gain momentum!

I have to say just from what I observed last night that the enthusiasm for Obama is much, much more intense then it is for Hillary. She is just not a figure that inspires people.

But Obama fever is infectious and it is sweeping the nation!

I feel very confident that this election is going our way.


  1. thanks for sharing this- all this media this am is acting like SHE won...they have hardly mentioned him...

    Obama gave his speech last night- and right away he mentioned the Horrendous storms in the south- (that people VOTED in btw)...anyways...he looked SO was amazing..

  2. From the Left sent me the latest Delegate Count-
    and I did confirm it with CNN and MSNBC-

    838 Obama
    834 Hill...

    and there are More votes this weekend-
    More calls to make....

  3. I'm feeling very good about yesterday. The more I think about it, the better I feel.

    You might like The Rude Pundit's post today 2/6/08 "In Brief: Obama Won" at

    He even refrained from his usual dysfunctional sex fantasies, so you know it's serious!


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