Monday, February 04, 2008

George Bush is taking money out of health care for the poor and elderly to pay for his insane war.

Over the next five years, the president would reduce by $196 billion the two entitlement programs that provide most of the medical care for the nation's elderly and poor. He would achieve most of the savings in the budget blueprint he submitted Monday by freezing the rates Medicare pays for hospital, nursing home and hospice services for the next three years.

_The National Institutes of Health, the primary agency for overseeing medical research, would remain at $29.4 billion next year.

_ Running children and family services support programs for the poor, such as Head Start and the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, would drop from $47.3 billion to $45.5 billion.

_ Improving access to health care among the poor and the rural, would fall from from $6.9 billion to $6.0 billion.

_ The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention would drop from $6.2 billion to $5.8 billion.
The Food and Drug Administration fared better under the president's budget. The agency's budget would increase by $130 million to $2.4 billion, in part to pay for more employees to monitor the safety of imported food and medicines.

Bush also recommended increasing from $5 billion to $9 billion the average annual spending on the popular State Children's Health Insurance Program. Bush twice vetoed bills by Congress last year to increase it to $12 billion.

The administration said it also wants to limit coverage under that program to children from families who earn less than two and half times the porverty rate. For a family of three, that would limit eligibility to those with less than $44,000 annual income.

I work with the very people that these cuts will affect the most. I cannot imagine what would happen to the children that I see on a regular basis if they cut the funding to these very important and necessary programs.

Taking medicine and bandages away from the children and elderly to have enough money to kill people in other countries more effectively is indefensible in my opinion. I hope that Congress takes this budget, rolls it up tight, and shoves it right up George Bush's ass!

This is perhaps the most inhumane budget I have ever seen.

I am going to build a table from scratch and place impeachment right in the middle of it. I want this garbage to end now!


  1. He is also cutting Millions of Dollars from Teaching Hospitals....hmmm...that might be effecting a Certain Nurse's job some teaching Hospitals have hiring freezes..

    this war is being subidized by Children and widows..and the Sick VETS and the elderly....horrendous...

  2. The largest "entitlements" go to corporations in the form of tax breaks and to the military/industrial complex. When people think of "welfare" I wish they would think of this.


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