Monday, February 04, 2008

Hillary might need to get one of those loans from China.

It's hard to dispute that the fundraising story from January was Democrat Barack Obama's announcement last week that he had raised $32 million for the month -- a number that dwarfs any monthly total he or his rivals posted during the course of last year.

But the impressiveness of that number remained unclear because Obama's chief rival, Sen. Hillary Clinton, had not disclosed the amount she raised during a period where she and Obama repeatedly traded bursts of momentum.

Now, that mystery appears to be solved -- Clinton's campaign chairman Terry McAuliffe told NBC's Tim Russert this evening that her campaign raised "about 13 million, $13.5 million" last month.

By any normal measure, that would be an enormous haul for one month of fundraising. But stacked against Obama's unusual take, it has a more modest appearance.

You can argue about momentum, you can argue about who has the most effective message, you can even argue about who is more inspirational (I guess), but you simply cannot argue with the money.

The money points to the candidate that is getting people excited, and is inspiring the voters to go to the polls. And that candidate is Barack Obama.

Nuff said.

1 comment:

  1. hmmmm and I thought she was printing money....


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It just goes directly to their thighs.