Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Heath Ledger died of an accidental overdose.

The medical examiner has concluded that actor Heath Ledger's death was an accident, and the result of the abuse of prescription medications.

The medical examiner released results of the toxicology report Wednesday, saying Ledger died as the result of acute intoxication by the combined effects of oxycodone, hydrocodone, diazepam, temazepam, alprazolam, and doxylamine.

Damn that is a lot of drugs to have in your system!

I feel badly for Ledger and his family, especially his young daughter. I certainly hope that his death serves as a wake up call to young people of the dangers inherent in using these powerful medications.

Just because a doctor proscribes them does not mean they are not dangerous.

Such a tragic waste of a young talented life.


  1. so so sad....and should not have happened- I don;t even know what half of those are...

    ( okay, ambien, valium, oxy....and 2 that I don't know)

  2. okay so I looked them up..( well we better know what he really took)


    wow....still a lot of stuff...

    I would love to know the amounts-

    ( we had a Famous Blues Singer that died here in Cleveland last spring- and was on a similiar combination , I really wonder why he was on pain meds ? The Blues singer had a shoulder injury and then also pneumonia- and they think he died of apnea- so it is very simliar)


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