Friday, February 08, 2008

In the some things never change category, we have the "Iran supporting attacks in Iraq" story. I blame the writer's strike for these reruns.

This just seems to be another example of the military making unsubsantiated claims of Iranian aggression like the speedboats that supposedly threatened the U.S. Navy in Straits of Hormuz, and the claims that Iran is supplying the Iraqi insurgents with explosives.

I have heard this administration cry "wolf" way too many times to take their word for ANYTHING!

We KNOW the administration wants to start a conflict with Iran before they are forced out of power. It is up to us to call them on their bullshit.


1 comment:

  1. Cheney would do ANYTHING to MAKE this happen....ANYTHING....

    And that is what causes me to lose sleep , not any damn terra-ists...


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