Friday, February 08, 2008

Alaska GOP depressed over Romney withdrawal.

Top Alaska Republicans were downcast Thursday as Mitt Romney suspended his presidential campaign just two days after overwhelmingly winning the state party caucus.

Romney's decision makes it nearly certain Arizona Sen. John McCain will be the party's nominee for president. McCain finished dead last in the Alaska Republican preference poll, behind Romney, Mike Huckabee and Ron Paul. McCain opposes drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and has repeatedly battled with Sen. Ted Stevens over federal spending on Alaska projects.

"For Alaskans, we're definitely not going to get our issues heard, especially with ANWR," said Paul Bauer, an Anchorage assemblyman and a district chairman in the state Republican Party.

So this means there is a chance, an actual chance, that Alaska will vote for a Democrat in 2008!

Yeah I know we only have a measly three electoral votes, but it is the thought that counts.

We NEVER vote Democrat. And that will also mean that it is much more likely that we will elect a Democrat for both the Senate and for Congress.

This is big news up here in the frozen north.

I may FINALLY get to live in a state that reflects my political point of view! Wow, I just blew my own mind!


  1. wow...that is HUGE news up there....History is changing everything up there....

  2. I know!

    Isn't it cool?

  3. I did not know AK could be as depressed over Romney's E.D. (electile departure) as here in OZ (UT-ID). We also have few electoral votes and haven't gone democrat since fossil dinosaurs were discovered in our deserts, so I have NO hope for the general election. But we sure Baracked the Primary votes, and for that I am thankful. Now I'll be watching AK in November, as a kind of bellweather canary state!


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