Sunday, February 03, 2008

The Iraq surge is a ripple in the pond compared to the Obama surge.

I read the article that is linked above with great interest.

Much of what they said was definitley skewed toward Hillary, and I take issue with some of their poll numbers and conclusions.

But then they made a statement that I absolutely know to be false:

On the Democratic side, Clinton's supporters are more enthusiastic than Obama's, with three in five of hers saying they strongly support her candidacy, compared with roughly half of his who said they back him strongly.


Has the Washington Post been to an Obama rally? Have they had to stand in line for hours for the opportunity to be crushed in the enthusiastic crowds that overflow the venues that Obama fills to the rafters? Have they done ANY research?

The enthusiasm for Obama is contagious and it is spreading like wildfire.

I live in Alaska. We do not ever choose Democrats for President! The last time we did it was in 1984, and that was for the Gary Hart. We are polling strongly for Obama right now.

For the first time in my life I am going to caucus for a candidate on Tuesday. And what is more I am bringing an eighteen year old who can hardly wait to vote! Let me say that again. AN EIGHTEEN YEAR OLD WHO CAN HARDLY WAIT TO VOTE!

The Washington Post has no idea what is happening in the country. If you were standing on the beach and saw a wave this size coming toward you, you would run for your life for the high ground. You certainly would not stand there and deny what you were seeing. But if you did you would be swept up by the wave and carried away.

I look forward to having Dan Balz and Jon Cohen from the Washington Post bobbing on the surf with us in the coming months. Bring your water wings, and your apologies.

BTW if you want to read how Hillary's supporters REALLY feel about her go here.


  1. I too am going to a caucus for the first time ever to vote Obama. If you or your readers want to know why, then check out my blog posting at

    I really like Obama's approach to government transparency and appreciate his approaches to Iraq and Immigration, even tho he doesn't go as far as I would.

  2. Welcome to the Librarian....
    and love this post- about taking a 1st tim Voter- soooo exciting..WAPO is clueless- like Tweety....they don't have a clue what to do....

    Obama Movement is REAL...and is not going away...

    ((((BTW : google Bill Clinton+ Mea Culpa+ The Sleuth....
    Bill Clinton was suposed to go and apologize in Ca. today- 6 churches....with Hill...very odd...NO FILM of reporting has come forth....Hmmm..if HE did NOT apologize-which his and Hills handlers refused to do in writing....then the Churches in Ca...might have had a REAL impact today....)))

    Meanwhile the Obama had amazing Meetings ALL weekend...12-25,000 per event 3-6 a day....So Maybe the WAPO guy should get to the Rallies and stop relying on MSNBC for his info....


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