Saturday, February 02, 2008

This is going to make it much harder for Bush to wage his illegal war.

State legislators in Vermont introduced legislation Wednesday demanding the state’s National Guard troops return from Iraq. Lawmakers in Minnesota, New Hampshire, and Pennsylvania are poised to push similar legislation.

At the heart of the matter is a contention that President George W. Bush’s legal authority to deploy the National Guard to Iraq has expired.

“Congress laid out a pretty specific mission for the Guard in 2002,” Vermont State Representative Michael Fisher (D-Lincoln) told OneWorld. “That mission was two things: it was to defend the national security of the United States [against] the threat posed by Iraq, and, two, to enforce all relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions. I don’t believe there are any credible arguments that the state of Iraq poses a risk to the Untied States or that there may still be weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.”

“If the president believes there’s still a need to have our National Guard in Iraq to stabilize that country or whatever, it’s his job to go back to Congress and ask for that authorization,” Fisher added. “The president doesn’t have the authority to permanently federalize our Guards.”

I am really beginning to like Vermont.

If you remember Vermont also voted on a resolution to impeach George Bush last year.

The war should never have been fought in the first place and every day that it continues we are breaking international law.

1 comment:

  1. I am writing to OHio Gov- this is a great idea..we have lost over 200 young lives..... HOW many is TOOO much.....they hold the funerals at the Highschools...It is so upsetting....

    yeah...I am writing to Strickland....

    ( okay I am watching the Giants....biting my nails....14:17.......Ouch,,,,,COME ON.....please oh please let the Giants do it....)


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