Friday, February 01, 2008

She's back!

Oprah is on the way.

On Sunday, Oprah Winfrey is returning to the presidential campaign trail to headline a California event for Senator Barack Obama. The Obama campaign has yet to announce details, but people familiar with the event say the television talk show magnate will join Michelle Obama at a campaign rally in the Los Angeles area.

The goal? Closing the gap with Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton in California before Tuesday’s primary. The target? Women voters.

Hillary might as well pack it in.

The Clintons can use the race card, lie about Obama's record, talk about his inexperience,and it will mean absolutely nothing. Because the big "O" is back in the game and all bets are off.

When Oprah got involved the first time she elevated Obama from the pack and put him out in front just by asking that people listen to him. Now they have heard him, and they have liked what they have heard.

Now when Oprah talks about Obama she is talking about a candidate that Americans have started to embrace with great enthusiasm. Her presence will simply make him even more attractive to those who have not yet been inspired by the hope that he represents.

I almost feel sorry for Bill and Hillary. Almost.


  1. The O is

    Hot damn....Can you imagine living in Ca- get to see Oprah, Mrs O, and Caroline Kennedy...damn I wish I still lived there....

    BTW: Healthcare Post is up- bring Excedrin :-)

  2. Obama Mama here...

    So Stevie Wonder Came and Spoke...and was so moving....standing next to Michelle...

    And then at the VERY end....

    Yup.....the First Lady of Ca...Maria Schriver came and endorsed him and gave the most amazing speech-
    I will try to post tonight...( it's gotta be on Youtube)


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