Friday, February 01, 2008

I am not really sure if this helps or hurts Obama in the general election.

Today Barack Obama earned the endorsement of MoveOn, one of the largest grassroots membership organizations in the United States, after clobbering Hillary Clinton by 40 percent in Internet balloting. Obama led the final tally 70.4% to 29.6%, clearing the supermajority required for the endorsement. MoveOn, which has never endorsed a presidential candidate before, boasts that it has 1.7 million members in Super Tuesday states. The group has over half a million members in California alone – roughly one out of ten primary voters in Tuesday's largest state.

At the rate that Obama is attracting endorsements there soon won't be any left for Hillary.

There is definitely a powerful movement happening, and it is gaining momentum.

1 comment:

  1. add this to SIEU - 650,000 members AND the LATIMES....holy shit.....




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