Thursday, March 27, 2008

The chimp interrupts the statesman.

So here I am grooving to the soothing sounds of Barack Obama talking sense about our economy and telling us in detail how we got to such a place, and more importantly how we will get out.

He is articulate and commanding of the facts while bringing hope to all of us watching our economy crumbling around us. I find my furrowed brow relax, the tension leave my body, and the understanding that when this man enters the White House we can all sit back in amazement as he literally heals a nation. I am at peace.

But only halfway through this speech, the talking heads pop up to use their limited vocabularies to try and sum up his powerful words and then have the audacity to turn their cameras to a "speech" given by a lame duck President as he tries to tell us that up is down and down is up, and the violence we are seeing in Iraq is of no consequence because we are making "progress".

How much longer must we allow this pretender to the Presidency to believe he is relevant? I am tired of being embarrassed by my country, I need an Obama-nization.

Update: Clicking the title will now take you to CNN's report on the speech. Sadly it is not the full speech.

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