Thursday, March 27, 2008

Of three remaining candidates Hillary has the lowest personal ratings.

As expected, one of the two major Democratic candidates saw a downturn in the latest NBC/WSJ poll, but it's not the candidate that you think. Hillary Clinton is sporting the lowest personal ratings of the campaign. Moreover, her 37 percent positive rating is the lowest the NBC/WSJ poll has recorded since March 2001, two months after she was elected to the U.S. Senate from New York.

I don't know how anybody could be surprised, I mean she has conducted herself in a vindictive spoiled manner for weeks.

You know I am a gentleman and for Hillary I am willing to hold the door so it does not hit her on her ample rear end on the way out. I am good like that.


  1. The Borg Queen is the Psycho Bitch from Hell and the camera doesn't lie.

    She can laugh, and smile, and cry buckets of tears, but the American people know a bitch when they see one.

    Plus, the nation is suffering from Bush AND Clinton fatigue.

  2. Fine- you hold the door...I will help her on out....


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.