Monday, April 07, 2008

According to Andrew Sullivan "Bush administration will be tried for war crimes". Wow I think my heart just sped up a little!

SULLIVAN: The latest revelations on the torture front show the memo from John Yoo...means that Don Rumsfeld, David Addington and John Yoo should not leave the United States any time soon. They will be, at some point, indicted for war crimes.

I cannot express in words how much I want this to be true.

In my opinion this country cannot truly move forward until we have punished those that led us down this disastrous path. And that includes the President and his entire cabinet.

I have to tell you that Andrew Sullivan kind of confuses me. On the one hand he is a gay man who is very anti-war, and now, very anti-Bush administration. But on the other hand he is a conservative Christian.

Talk about a conflicted personality!

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