Sunday, April 06, 2008

Good news! The Iraq war will have to end on January 1st 2009!

A crucial yet overlooked deadline looms over the Iraq debate: Unless further action is taken, the war will become illegal on Jan. 1, 2009.

How is this possible you ask? Well we are currently waging war under a second prong of the 2002 "joint resolution authorizing the use of force against Iraq" which authorizes the president to "enforce all relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions regarding Iraq." This has allowed the Bush administration to satisfy American law by obtaining a series of resolutions authorizing the United States to serve as the head of the multinational force in Iraq.

But what almost everybody has failed to notice is that this is about to happen:

The most recent U.N. resolution expires on Dec. 31, and the administration has announced that it will not seek one for 2009. Instead, it is now negotiating a bilateral agreement with the Iraqi government to replace the U.N. mandate.

Whatever this agreement contains, it will not fill the legal vacuum. That's because the administration is not planning to submit this new agreement to Congress for its explicit approval. Since the Constitution gives the power to "declare war" to Congress, the president can't ignore the conditions imposed on him in 2002 without returning for a new grant of authority. He cannot substitute the consent of the Iraqi government for the consent of the U.S. Congress.

So my question is "has anybody told the three candidates running for President about this?" And how does this potentially change the race?

1 comment:

Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.