Thursday, April 03, 2008

ALL serious Presidential candidates have Secret Service protection. John McCain does not. What does that tell you?

Weeks after clinching the Republican presidential nomination, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) still has no Secret Service protection and has not requested it, the head of the agency told Congress yesterday.

Director Mark Sullivan said the Secret Service does not provide agents, metal detectors, vehicles or other security measures to candidates until they ask for them. McCain's Democratic rivals, Sens. Barack Obama (Ill.) and Hillary Rodham Clinton (N.Y.) have round-the-clock Secret Service coverage.

"Statutorily he is not required to take protection," Sullivan said of McCain, in response to several questions from Rep. Ciro D. Rodriguez (D-Tex.) and Rep. Harold Rogers (R-Ky.). "As far as an actual request, we have not gotten one. We have no involvement at this point."

I don't think that this is really that big of a mystery. I believe that any person crazy enough to want to assassinate John McCain knows that by the time they got all of the weapons purchased, and fake ID's made, and escape routes all worked out McCain would have simply dropped dead of advanced old age.

I mean come on the guy is 150 years old!


  1. Clinton has it because of her presidential husband....and Obama was offered it after threats....back in ?? I don't remember when....

  2. Yeah I know.

    But McCain is THE Republican presidential candidate and they don't even care if he lives or dies. That must mean something.

  3. Are you fucking kidding me with this?

    McCain doesn't have Secret Service protection? Once you declare your intention to run for president, the Secret Service provision is triggered and you and your family is shadowed 24/7.

    McCain can't decide to not have it.

    Listen, I detest the old coot and if you put a gun to my head I wouldn't vote for him, but he is required to have Secret Service protection.

    I will have to do some research into this subject. It doesn't sound right.

  4. Until the Republican convention, McCain is not "officially" the Republican nominee for President. He can't turn down Secret Service protection after the convention. But before the convention, he has to ask for Secret Service protection. Obama and Clinton both asked, and received, SS protection. McCain hasn't. Probably because nobody wants to kill Cranky McDepends.

    As for McCain's age, if someone makes this bumper sticker, I'll buy a half dozen of them for myself and family and friends. Heh!

    -- Badtux the unRepublican Penguin

  5. whelp....somehow he is NOW getting was on Huff post today....4.4.08


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