Friday, April 04, 2008

Air America host Randi Rhodes falls victim to the overly defensive Hillary machine.

Air America Radio, which already has enough problems, suspended afternoon host Randi Rhodes Thursday for remarks she made during an off-the-air public event in San Francisco.

Rhodes called Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton a "f------ whore," several times, in the course of a standup comedy routine built on political bits.

Her specific problem with Clinton, said Rhodes in the routine, is that she's disingenuous: "Her deal is, 'Read the fine print, a-------.' "

Rhodes has long been critical of Clinton on her Air America radio show, which is heard 3-6 p.m. daily on WWRL (1600 AM).

Here is the video, which contains some NSFW language so be aware:

I feel bad for Randi. But as we all know, you must always defend Hillary's right to use ugly inflammatory tactics against Barack, while always remembering to never insult her Highness. Or her Highness's only child. Or bring up her husbands infidelity. Or her lies. Or Bill Richardson.


  1. Don't be surprised if the power of the Clintons causes Rhodes to become unemployed.

  2. I won't be surprised. Sad yes, surprised no.

  3. more Shustered....I am sure there will be more....after all ....Bill Richardson is Now Judas...

  4. Indeed, you wanna see my opinion on this, head over to Skippy's place. The Hillary-backing CEO of Air America Radio has been trying to find an excuse to get rid of Randi for months now, ever since it became clear that she was not going to toe the pro-Clinton Party line that he's pushing. He finally found an excuse to do it -- a bad shock-standup routine in a comedy club. Man, if every comic who flubbed a stand-up routine got fired from his or her day job, you'd see the lines stretching out of the unemployment office around the block -- twice. But as you say, if you say things that are not ideologically correct according to the Party commissars... it's off with your head. Ideological conformity must be enforced in Soviet America, da?!

    - Badtux the McSovak Penguin


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