Saturday, April 05, 2008

The Bush administrations pet general is going to resurrect the possibility of war with Iran.

British officials gave warning yesterday that America's commander in Iraq will declare that Iran is waging war against the US-backed Baghdad government.

A strong statement from General David Petraeus about Iran's intervention in Iraq could set the stage for a US attack on Iranian military facilities, according to a Whitehall assessment. In closely watched testimony in Washington next week, Gen Petraeus will state that the Iranian threat has risen as Tehran has supplied and directed attacks by militia fighters against the Iraqi state and its US allies.

It seems almost like a joke that this administration would consider the idea of starting another conflict while we are mired in two losing wars. And if it does not seem like a joke then it simply seems insane.

America has had warmongers running the country before, but these guys seem dedicated to destroying our military before leaving office.

My question is, what does somebody offer a lifelong military man to sell out his country and the military that he supposedly loves?


  1. Petraeus is like McCain, both are traitors who are making profit from the deaths of thousands, from a war senario they helped create.

  2. And the hilarious part is that the Badr Brigade Government, which the U.S. backs, is based around a militia founded and funded by Iran. And indeed, President Maliki spent most of the Saddam regime sitting in Iran courtesy of the Iranian government offering him refuge. The notion that Iran is waging war against its own puppet in Iraq is ridiculous. Indeed, the Sadrists are anti-Iranian, which is the reason the Badrists moved against the Sadrists in the first place -- the Sadrists want a unified Iraq (led by them, of course), while the Badrists are just fine with an Iranian-dominated Shiite rump state and separate Sunni and Kurd "federated" states. And the U.S. is coming in on the side of the Iranians, then claiming that the Iranians are supporting the anti-Iranian faction. Can these goddamned bastards lie, or what? Fuck, there's so many goddamned lies in what they are saying that it's a wonder their goddamned noses don't poke out the window on the other side of the room when they enter a room!

    - Badtux the Truth Penguin


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