Saturday, April 05, 2008

Obama on evolution.

Q: York County was recently in the news for a lawsuit involving the teaching of intelligent design. What's your attitude regarding the teaching of evolution in public schools?

A: "I'm a Christian, and I believe in parents being able to provide children with religious instruction without interference from the state.

But I also believe our schools are there to teach worldly knowledge and science. I believe in evolution, and I believe there's a difference between science and faith. That doesn't make faith any less important than science.

It just means they're two different things. And I think it's a mistake to try to cloud the teaching of science with theories that frankly don't hold up to scientific inquiry."

Such a simple smart response to a question that everybody should agree on.

But after seven years of this anti-science administration doesn't it seem almost enlightened of Barack to provide such an honest answer?


  1. Obama just repeated official Catholic doctrine regarding evolution. I.e., that evolution is science, not faith, and that the proper arena for the church is faith. The Catholic Church's official position is thus "We have no position on evolution because evolution is science, not faith, and the Church is about faith." This has been official Catholic doctrine since the 1890's, BTW. Yeppers, even just after Darwin released his theory of evolution, the Catholic Church was smart enough to say "uhm, that's nice, but that has nothing to do with us" and indeed evolution has been taught in the Catholic schools for the past hundred years.

    - Badtux the Catholic Penguin

  2. I think Obama was just stating a fact- any breathing parent knows that the schools are not teaching Science the way they should.....thank you Dubya....


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