Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Christians turn on Oprah.

So Oprah comes under attack by the Christian community for daring to make the argument that there may be other ways to access God other then through the church?

She is still embracing the concept of God she is simply suggesting that perhaps understanding Him does not require being a Christian. And for that she is vilified.

This is truly the real ugliness of the Christian religion. They pretend that they are an open society that does not judge people of differing faiths and that promotes the idea of religious freedom in this country. But what they are really arguing for is their own religious freedom. They do not give a shit about anybody elses religious freedom, they just want to make sure their faith is protected.

Wow, first Oprah endorses Barack Obama, and now she gets attacked by the Christian community! I hate to say it, but I might be becoming an Oprah fan.

Her "new age" sensibilities are much more in line with my own open minded search for truth.

Remember that any belief system that fears scrutiny and attacks opposing views as evil must have something to hide. Are Christians afraid that if people have an open mind they will reject their religion?

1 comment:

  1. I don't know why those devolved monkeys think their stupid invisible sky demon is such a big deal anyhow. Everybody knows that the Great Penguin laid the universe out of an egg however many trillion years ago, and that the one true faith is Tuxology, the worship of the Great Penguin. I personally hope all these silly "Christians" get "raptured" shortly. Good riddance to them, methinks, then we good Tuxologists can properly worship the Great Penguin via the Sacrament of the Herring at our ice cathedrals on Friday evening without their continual nattering of negativisms to harsh our mellow.

    -- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


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