Monday, April 21, 2008

Clinton campaign in the red as Obama brings in the big bucks.

Barack Obama raised $41 million in March and had $42 million available to spend against debt-ridden Democratic rival Hillary Rodham Clinton in April, campaign finance reports filed Sunday show.

Clinton reported raising $20 million in March and had $9 million for the primary available at the beginning of April. But she also reported debts of $10.3 million, putting her in the red.

Overall, Obama had $51 million in the bank at the end of March, with nearly $9 million of that available only for the general election.

Wasn't it Deep Throat, from the Watergate conspiracy, who first said "follow the money"?

It seems fairly obvious that people are giving money to the candidate that they have the most faith in to win the Presidency.

We have to remember that the Clinton's have spent almost a decade putting their machine in place and getting their money ready for this nomination process. For an upstart like Obama to be able to come along and out earn her at every turn is miraculous. And it shows just how well his message is resonating with the voter.

1 comment:

  1. was Deep Throat that said Follow the Money...

    ( or Hal Halbrook....)

    About the Money...very very concerning....and yet expected ?


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