Monday, April 21, 2008

Mark Begich takes on Ted Stevens. Get ready to Ruuumbllle!!!

Anchorage Mayor Mark Begich formally declared his candidacy today for the U.S. Senate seat held by Ted Stevens since 1968.

Mark comes from a famous Alaskan political family. He is the son of Nick Begich, who was representing the state in the House when his plane disappeared over the Gulf of Alaska in October 1972.

Mark has been a good mayor and will undoubtedly be the first real challenge that Uncle Ted has faced in his 40 years as Senator. As a matter of fact I am predicting that Begich will win this thing and I plan to help him do it.

For more information about Mark and his candidacy go to this website. (I will also be adding it to my blogroll. I kind of have to since they put me on theirs.)


  1. Thanks for the post Gryphen. Glad to see you're predicting big things for Mark Begich's candidacy. It's going to be hard fought, but I think having a real discussion about what the best course for the future of Alaska is and whether it's time for a change in Washington.

    Disclosure: I'm proud to work as Mark Begich's Online Communications Director.

  2. ( WOW....REAL Campaign person here- Hey there Matt - Gryphen is a wonderful person, a thorough blogger and he is great covering issues...and is in touch with the pulse of the people and how those issues effect people...)

    This is great news about Someone finally running against Teddy...FINALLY...

  3. Anonymous10:47 AM

    I predict this one is going to be one hell of a ride. It's going to be ugly, perhaps uglier than the current Democratic Presidential race.


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