Saturday, April 05, 2008

Do you know why John Edwards will never endorse Hillary Clinton? Well here let him tell you in his own words.

It has been so long since I heard him speak these words I had almost forgotten how down he was on Hillary. But I think it is clear that he has absolutely no use for her at all.

Damn listen to him speak! He was great wasn't he?


  1. so weird- I could have sworn I left a comment sorry..

    thank you for posting this...really wonderful.....I miss him....really....

  2. A huge rush of might-have-been washed over me as I watched this. He IS great (not was)! And did'ya notice Hill's face? O-M-G, she could freeze an iceberg. As my husband says, hers is a face that tightens sphincters. aaaah well, you know what he means.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.