Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Fighting gets too intense in Iraq so the Iraqi military simply take their bullets and go home.

A company of Iraqi soldiers abandoned their positions on Tuesday night in Sadr City, defying American soldiers who implored them to hold the line against Shiite militias.

The retreat left a crucial stretch of road on the front lines undefended for hours and led to a tense series of exchanges between American soldiers and about 50 Iraqi troops who were fleeing.

Capt. Logan Veath, a company commander in the 25th Infantry Division, pleaded with the Iraqi major who was leading his troops away from the Sadr City fight, urging him to return to the front.

“If you turn around and go back up the street those soldiers will follow you,” Captain Veath said. “If you tuck tail and cowardly run away they will follow up that way, too.”

Captain Veath’s pleas failed, and senior American and Iraqi commanders mounted an urgent effort to regain the lost ground. An elite Iraqi unit was rushed in and with the support of the Americans began to fight its way north.

Oh yeah these guys are almost ready to stand on there own.

How long have we been training these guys now?

Apparently if they are not running from a fight, they are being a little too proactive.

One big problem is that the Iraqi troops have responded to militia gunfire with such intense fusillades that the soldiers have endangered civilians, American soldiers and even their own forces. The barrage of Iraqi Army fire has become such a regular occurrence that some American soldiers are worried that militia fighters have tried to insert themselves between nearby Iraqi units to induce the Iraqi soldiers to fire on one another.

Okay now that is just ridiculous.

Does anybody else get the idea that they are screwing up on purpose?

Let's just get our people out of there and let these Keystone Kops work it out for themselves. I bet the learning curve will straighten out pretty damn fast if there are not American troops standing around to do it for them if they get it wrong.

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