Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Get out your popcorn kids, it is debate time again!

I was pretty much done with these things after the last one. But now I am looking forward to Obama confronting Hillary with some of the scurrilous things she has said.

He should also express his relief that she was not injured during that Bosnia trip while dodging all of that sniper fire.

"I had not idea that trip was so dangerous. The media said absolutely nothing about incoming fire and I am just glad that you emerged unscathed. I am sure those shooting lessons your father gave you when you were just a girl served you well in that frightening situation. I certainly hope you were able to take out one of those bastards."

Oh yeah I will be watching today.


  1. let's see Some Southside Cool laid on her elistist ass...

    (if you know what I mean...and yeah...I am Liveblogging it, come on over...and DO come and see the NEW post with her New Special will die laughing)

  2. ABC. DISNEY should NOT be allowed to do these...

    Watch Keith about the Sean Hannity /George Stephanolis Questions ???? So ABC got their Questions about FOX ?????OMG....


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It just goes directly to their thighs.