Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Hillary loses another smart female supporter.

I can almost feel this poor woman's pain at having to admit that after supporting Hillary, even while witnessing her ugly politics and countless gaffes, she could finally take no more.

And what incident finally lost her vote?

You finally lost me at Bosnia. Your claim to have been there during active hostilities has been roundly disproved, and your explanation that you misspoke or were too tired is, at best, lame.

I tried, Hillary. I just wish you had fulfilled your incredible potential.


  1. wow...that is very true....

  2. ( btw you always find the most amazing stuff...)

  3. Thank you.

    I do try to travel the to the ends of the Internet looking for truth. Or failing that, a good story at least.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.