Wednesday, April 09, 2008

I believe this has been the plan for at least the last two years.

Anti-war Democrats Wednesday accused the White House of plotting to saddle the next president with a "quagmire" in Iraq, as the top US war general faced a second day of intense scrutiny in Congress.

"We are stuck in a twilight zone in Iraq," said Democratic Senate Majority leader Harry Reid.

"When violence is up, the president says we cannot bring our troops home. When violence dips, the president says we cannot bring our troops home.

"President Bush has an exit strategy for just one man -- himself -- on January 20, 2009."

This is clearly the evil plan that this administration has been fomenting all along.

They are hoping to leave the Iraq war in disarray, while telling us that they are making some immeasurable progress. And then when the initial violence erupts after the Democrats bring the troops out, which the American people are demanding of them, then the Republicans will point it out as a failure and compare it to their more successful efforts of barely keeping the lid on by throwing money and American troops at the problem.

And then if Iran gains more influence in the area the Republicans will have yet another boogie man to use to frighten the American people into voting for them in 2012.

The only part that is not going their way is that they were really hoping it would be a Hillary Clinton administration they could vilify and sabotage, but it looks like they will have to settle for trying to smear Obama instead.

I think it would be poetic justice if Obama's more open policies established a relationship with whatever government emerges out of the ashes of Iraq as well as making nice with Iran and finally creating a true Middle Eastern peace.

And that my friends is the true audacity of hope.

1 comment:

  1. I love what you wrote- the last three sentences...really says it all...wonderful...thank you...


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