Thursday, April 10, 2008

Hillary scores points with tough talk about getting troops out of Iraq.

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton reiterated her campaign pledge to begin withdrawing troops from Iraq within 60 days of taking office, and added on Thursday that she would carry out the policy regardless of the advice she might receive from military commanders.

At a news conference here, Mrs. Clinton was asked if she would keep to her promises on withdrawing troops, even if she is advised differently by military leaders on the ground.

“Well, let me just describe to you the way our system works,” Mrs. Clinton said. “Policy is set by the civilian leadership. The president of the United States sets the policy. Our military, and thankfully so, carries out the policy that is set. You ask the military for their best advice about how to implement the policy that you have set.”

Hillary has made a number of bad missteps lately but this is a winning strategy for her to take.

I don't like for Barack to follow Hillary's lead on anything, but he needs to pay attention to how forceful she is on this subject and not let her "out man" him.

The majority of the voters want us out of Iraq yesterday, and the leader who convinces us that they will that happen is going to be the next President. Period!

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