Thursday, April 10, 2008

Randi Rhodes marks the first media person to finally stand up to the Hillary machine!

The Huffington Post has learned that Randi Rhodes quit Air America after being asked by the network to apologize for her inflammatory remarks against Hillary Clinton and Geraldine Ferraro.

A source at Air America, who asked to remain anonymous, said, "Many people screw up and then apologize and move on. Like Imus. Like David Shuster. Like Jay Rockefeller on McCain. Like Obama on Rezko. Like Hillary on Bosnia. Randi Rhodes refused to apologize for her obscene comments and has chosen instead to terminate her relationship with Air America."

I do not necessarily agree with the words or sentiment that Randi Rhodes expressed, but I stand by her right to say them. And I am impressed that she refused to apologize.

I am tired of watching people being forced to eat crow in deference to Hillary's fragile feelings.

If you want to be the President of this country you better be a hell of a lot tougher, and able to do more then just bully the media.

Air America has lost me as a listener.

1 comment:

  1. I quit listening to AA and Randi Rhodes long ago because, well, they seemed a bit, err, shrill. Sorta the left-wing version of Rush Limpbaugh, complete with unsourced "facts", left-wing ideology substituting for reason, etc. Nope, not my cup of tea.

    My understanding is that Randi Rhodes is going with different syndication now, and that most AA stations are going to pick her up directly as a replacement for her AA gig. And AA keeps circling around the toilet bowl...


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