Friday, April 04, 2008

A little something for the ladies. George Clooney on The Daily Show last night.

I always enjoy Jon's interviewing style, but when he has somebody like Clooney to riff with it is pure gold. It was a just a lot of fun watching these two.

BTW I am seeing this movie tomorrow. I think it will be a hell of a lot of fun.


  1. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Too bad George Clooney is GAY!!!

    Oh and Dad I know you have seen this. Blog about it I want your opinion and Imput

  2. Sweetheart you think everybody is gay!

    And that story is a non-starter because biologically the person is still a woman who got impregnated with donor sperm.

    My thoughts on the morality of a post-op transsexual having a baby is the same as always, if they love their child and put the babies needs first then they should make fine parents.

    But this is not truly a case of a man giving birth. However it is does add another wrinkle to the concept of what makes a "normal" family. And it is certainly going to give the fundamentalists a heart attack.

  3. George is not gay....too funny....

    ( I think he is just saving himself....waiting for a redheaded nurse to come take care of him and his Italian Villa....yeah...right.....)

    thanks for the George fix....


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It just goes directly to their thighs.