Monday, April 21, 2008

Our Governor's new baby has Down Syndrome.

Palin and her husband, Todd, showed the baby, Trig Paxson Van Palin, to a few reporters and talked about the sooner-than-expected delivery.

Trig arrived about a month early and has Down syndrome, the governor confirmed. Testing during early pregnancy revealed the condition. Palin said she was sad at first but they now feel blessed that God chose them. The couple has lots of family support, she said.

All partisan political differences are now placed on the back burner.

I feel nothing but total empathy for Governor Sarah and her family.

I have worked with children who have Down Syndrome and I am well aware of the type of challenges that she and her husband face. I am certain they are up to the task, and if I may say from all appearances Trig Van Palin has a very loving family.


  1. what you said friend..
    "God Chose them"....

    I too believe that...they must be a very loving family....

  2. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Based on the recent events, do you still think Palin is "loving"?

    I don't.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.