Monday, April 21, 2008

Keith is interviewing Hillary!

And he is really sticking it to her!

She is creeping me out!

Why the hell does she keep laughing?

Keith is asking her very good questions and she is either lying or avoiding all of them.

Here is the ad that Keith confronted Hillary about:

Whose campaign does this remind you of?

Update: Title now links to full video of Hillary's interview with Keith. Just try not to be creeped out. I dare you.


  1. I just watched the Borg Queen on KO.

    What the fuck is she talking about "reaching out" to Richard Melon Sciafe? Sciafe, who funded the Arkansas Project, is what ultimately led to the storm that nearly brought down Bill's presidency. Sciafe also said that Bill Clinton orchestrated the murder of Ron Brown to stop him from testifying about all the bimbos.

    They say Hillary will do and say anything to win. Well, "they" are correct. This woman would throw Chelsea into a pit with hungry Komodo dragons to eat live if she thought it would win her the presidency.

    I thoroughly detest her.

  2. Hey it is even worse then that Chris.

    Did you see the story where they had Chelsea doing a "gay bar crawl" in order to reach out to the homosexual community? That seemed a little desperate to me.

    Unless Chelsea is gay which would at least make her more interesting.

    The story is here:

  3. I blogged about it yesterday.

    I have a very horsey looking Princess Chelsea in the post.

    Couldn't resist!

  4. Oh this I have to see.

    I am coming over.

  5. you too are killing me- you both always notice things that matter...omg..I am laughing..Gryphen pleaz tell me you loved her Teeth....

    and Komodo Dragons....too funny- I am sure Hill would throw ALL of us in a pit if it would get her what she wants-

    maybe some one should make "Komodo" Hillary's Perfume....

    I am so soooooo sick of all of it- that KO interview was sooooo strange...all of it....and that damn Prozac cackle...makes me a bit sick I feel like we should give her meds or something???

    okay off to see the LINKS...oye


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