Sunday, April 06, 2008

Police raid religious commune in Texas.

Law enforcement agents got access to an enormous temple on the grounds of a polygamist compound, but by Sunday morning they still had not found a 16-year-old girl whose initial report of abuse led to the raid.

State troopers armed with a search warrant raided the compound on Friday to look for evidence of a marriage between the girl, who allegedly had a baby at 15, and 50-year-old Dale Barlow.

Under Texas law, girls younger than 16 cannot marry, even with parental approval.

This is one of my main bitches when it comes to archaic religious beliefs.

Even after society has recognized that old traditions need to be abandoned after discovering evidence that they are harmful or impugn the civil rights of one group or another, certain religious groups fail to change all the while using the cover of religious freedom to excuse their harmful behaviors. As if their members are not impacted by these primitive rituals despite all evidence to the contrary.

Faith demands a certain suspension of logic but when groups like this separate themselves completely from society so as to continue to embrace a belief system that has been refuted by empirical evidence, then you are guilty of child abuse and keeping your people "dumbed down" so that they will not question what their leaders tell them is true.

These are little girls, and they have had their childhood ripped from them by the predatory sexual desires of the men in their community who should be protecting them.

These men must be punished, and this compound dismantled, and I don't give two shits about their religious rights.


  1. it is a cult...exploiting is simple....No one is protecting those girls or children- and they can not even find the girl that has been harmed , and WHERE do they get their money ???? to build such a mongo temple?


  2. you know these are the same FLDS creeps who control 2 towns not 50-miles from me. Since the atmosphere in UT/AZ has become less friendly to them (we've got their prophet in jail), they've sent out this group to TX on a kind of scouting mission, to see if they can make a better go of it there.

    You should know the 16-yr old is probably not married. That is the way they operate. The men only legally marry once. All other "marriages" are religious rites, not legal marriages. This allows the spare wives to claim all sorts of welfare for their children, since they have no husbands. And that's the least of it. You can guess the rest.

    The brainwashing is absolute, the communities do nothing without the high council blessing. They don't work, eat, go to school or socialize unless it is approved by their leaders. The jobs, wives, the homes they live in, what they wear, are all controlled. Play by the rules & you get by. Eff up or question their authority & you are dead to them.

    The dead ones end up here in my town. Mostly teenagers & young adults, all messed up, unable to think coherently, quickly falling prey to the street drug life. They are called "the lost boys" because they were unfit to be awarded a wife. At least they get away. The girls are a high commodity item & don't usually get away. In fact, the brainwashing is so complete, they don't even THINK of getting away ... so I have much respect & fear for this 16-yr old girl who made the phone call.

    You can tell I've got no use for the whole lot of them. It's not about religion. I don't even think it's all about sex. It's about mind control. sorry to blab on ...

  3. Hey d,k, you can come here and "blab on" any time you like. I enjoyed your passion and insight into this bizarre cult.

    Enigma, I think that d.k. may have answered the question of where they get the money, the fact that this sort of thing happens in the 21st century is to our eternal shame.

    Thanks for your input.

  4. Anonymous7:52 AM

    they probably dont see any harm in the sex because they were not brought up in a sex negative society


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