Sunday, April 06, 2008

I don't know how this happened but I find myself in agreement with John McCain.

Sen. John McCain called Saturday for a presidential campaign that is more like a respectful argument among friends than a bitter clash of enemies, and said he is better able than either of his Democratic rivals to govern across party lines.

"We have nothing to fear from each other," the Arizona senator said as he wrapped up a weeklong trip designed to broaden his appeal beyond the voters who cast ballots in last winter's Republican primaries.

"We are arguing over the means to better secure our freedom, promote the general welfare and defend our ideals."

I really wish I was posting about Barack Obama on this issue instead of McCain, but I am in total agreement with his sentiment. As a matter of fact I had thought about writing on this very subject earlier this week.

After the ugliness of the last few Presidential campaigns I think the country would be refreshed to watch two candidates that simply talk about the issues, and their differences, rather then to have some 527 groups saying scurrilous things about their opponent while they act innocent and simply reap the benefits.

I would like to see a campaign where the minute any of these fringe groups released a harmful attack ad, the candidate not targeted would IMMEDIATELY demand that they be pulled from the airwaves. This would do much to keep the level of discourse on a much higher plane and perhaps bring some decorum back to the national political stage.

I can certainly see Obama jumping right on this band wagon, and I am surprised that he did not make this argument first. Hillary on the other hand will not be able to compete this way. As we have seen form this Democratic nomination process, Hillary uses dirty tricks at every opportunity.

By the way, as a liberal blogger, if Obama asked for a campaign devoid of unsubstantiated allegations and low blows I would respect that and it would be reflected in my posts.

So before I get the word from my candidate to desist, I would just like to point out that McCain is really old and Hillary is a bitch! Damn I am going to miss that!

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