Sunday, April 20, 2008

Russian paper folds after printing Putin "rumor".

A Moscow newspaper reporting rumours that President Vladimir Putin had secretly divorced and was planning to marry a 24-year-old gymnast has suspended publication.

The publishers insisted the suspension was a purely commercial decision. But Russian journalism experts warned it showed the extent to which the media had been cowed by the Kremlin.

Moskovsky Korrespondent, a small-circulation tabloid, reported in its April 12 edition that Mr Putin had divorced his wife of 24 years, Ludmila, and was set to marry Alina Kabaeva, an Olympic gold medallist.

Mr Putin said: “I have always reacted negatively to those who, with their snotty noses and erotic fantasies, meddle in other people’s lives.”

Although the paper had published an apology on Thursday, within hours of Mr Putin’s press conference its editor resigned and the publisher halted publication.

Artyom Artyomov, general director of National Media Company, the paper’s publisher, told the Financial Times this weekend the decision was not political.

“There was no pressure [from the authorities] at all,” he said. “I have suspended publication of the newspaper, but because of financial circumstances. It is quite possible that the newspaper will start publishing again but in a new format and with a new editor.”

Let's see if I have this right: The story was a fabrication and the paper folded right after Putin condemned the story but the reason was not politically motivated.

So since this is Russia we know the following: The story was TRUE and the paper was forced to fold for political reasons.

Now the question is if Putin does marry this young gymnast which Russian newspaper will be brave enough to report that news to the rest of the world?

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