Sunday, April 20, 2008

Another day, another change in the polling data.

The peeling away of national Democratic support for Barack Obama seen this past week may have run its course. After trailing Hillary Clinton by one percentage point in Saturday's Gallup Poll Daily tracking report, Obama now leads Clinton by two points, 47% to 45%.

Today's results are based on Gallup Poll Daily tracking conducted Thursday through Saturday, April 17-19, 2008.

Well this is much more like it.

I was very displeased to see Hillary ahead of Obama by one point on Saturday and do not want to see anything like that again.

And if Barack wants my advice he needs to avoid those ambush style debates in the future and focus on getting his message out and letting the people get to know him.

Remember the more the voters know about Obama the more they like him, while the more they know about Hillary the less they like her.

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