Monday, April 14, 2008

There is really no way I could resist the urge to report this story.

My Wall Street Journal, a parody of the Wall Street Journal on newsstands this week to mark the April 15 tax deadline, has rankled News Corp executives so much that they're trying to make sure no one sees it. The New York Times' Richard Perez-Pena reports that a WSJ representative attempted to snatch up all the copies in the Los Angeles area, where they made public a bit ahead of schedule.

Highlights of the My Wall Street Journal parody — brought to you by the same team that created the 1982 Off The Wall Street Journal, led by editor-in-chief Tony Hendra — a full-page spread of a topless Ann Coulter (in WSJ stipple-style), a gossip section called "Page Sex," headlines like "Cleaning Lady Sees Virgin In Merrill Lynch Q4 Loss," and "Obitcharies," wishful-thinking obituaries for people vilified by the far right, including Susan Sarandon and Paul Krugman.


That is just awesome! It simply could not have happened to a more deserving publication.

I have imposed a personal moratorium on posting stories about Ann "Crypt Keeper" Coulter, but I simply could not resist posting that nasty picture. You will notice that they gave Coultergeist a much more feminine woman's body instead of the adolescent boy body that she has in real life.

I think that just shows a certain level of respect. Don't you?


  1. Oooooowwwwwwwww My eyes.....My Eyes !!!!!!!!

    What no Mylanta? Novacaine ? Something in the Anesthesia family.......

    ooooooohhhhhh the pain....

    ( wow....hmmm, she has nice shoes....and even toes....I thought for sure she had hooves)

  2. 6-6 " What? where is the Adams Apple ? "

    ( always the eye for the Details)

    {{{ LOL....."putz" was in my word verification....the Blogger gods are Laughing now}}}}

  3. I just knew you would appreciate this.

    And tell 6-6 good on him for actually looking past the lurid parts and looking for the Adam's apple. Isn't it nice to know your kid has some good taste?

  4. actually he does have good taste ( his favorite is Lilly off 'Lost'....if he came home with Someone like her- I would be thrilled....he is still very shy...)


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It just goes directly to their thighs.