Monday, April 14, 2008

McCain tells staff to "chill out" in attacking Hillary in attempt to help her win Democratic nomination.

Republican presidential hopeful John McCain has confided to his inner circle that Hillary Clinton may yet be the Democratic nominee, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned, a development the senator from Arizona would personally welcome!

"Look, I know something about long odds, they had me written off last summer," McCain explained over the weekend, according to a top source.

McCain would prefer to go up against Clinton in the general election, insiders reveal.

He has instructed his campaign staff to "chill out" on countering Hillary Clinton's torrent of claims and promises as primary voting comes to end over the next 6 weeks.

McCain made the tactical decision to downplay Clinton's tale of Bosnia sniper fire, leaving some McCain staffers frustrated and perplexed. Instead, the critical focus has been on Barack Obama.

McCain's official website features 14 press releases taking on Obama since the first of the year, only 3 for the former first lady.

I am loathe to quote the Drudge Report since I think they are sometimes to quick to report unsubstantiated information, but I have little problem believing this story since it fits in with several other reports that we have heard about Republicans wanting to run against Hillary rather then Obama.

In my opinion anybody still supporting Hillary may want to ask themselves who is keeping her alive in the race, and why?

1 comment:

  1. why don't they just run together and kiss and be the godamned GOP ticket and spare all of us the effin drama.....

    the audicity of it all ( you saw McShame effed up Obama's Book title....)


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