Thursday, May 15, 2008

Alaska's Republican politicians weigh in on the Polar bear being placed on the endangered critter's list.

Well this ought to be good.

First let's hear from Senator Ted Stevens:
"This is the California extreme environmentalists who've decided to use the polar bear as an example of global warming. They're gonna say this is global warming. It has nothing to do with global warming. This is a concept called climate change. It is a concept of a process that's been going on for years....This species is not endangered."

Well that was informative and...crazy. Now let's hear from Congressman Don Young:
“This polar bear decision represents an assault on sound science and common sense.”

That is Don Young for you. Succinct and totally incorrect. How about our newest Senator Lisa Murkowski? Let's see what she has to say:
“I can’t express how extremely disappointed I am that the United States Fish and Wildlife Service has chosen to list the polar bear as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. I believe it is grossly premature, even with qualifications, to recommend this action based on highly variable climate change models and projected impacts of loss of summer sea ice on a currently healthy population."

Well somebody has been drinking the Republican Kool-aid right from the pitcher.

So that only leaves our new Republican Governor Sarah Palin. Let's see how crazy and uneducated her response is:
“We offer the substantial expertise of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game to assist in the protection of polar bears, and in minimizing negative impacts on the people of Alaska and on important activities elsewhere in the country,” she said.

“Alaskans take our public trust responsibilities for our resources very seriously, and we welcome the opportunity to work with the federal agencies to address the conservation needs of these magnificent animals,” Governor Palin said. "We will continue to take the steps necessary to ensure that polar bears continue to thrive for generations to come.”


Either this lady is not your usual Republican or she is a tricky little bitch. Either way I am keeping my eye on her.

It does not hurt that she is so damn cute either.


  1. In West Virginia, 20 percent of respondents said that race was a factor in their decision and those voters, by overwhelming number, backed Mrs. Clinton.



  2. Hey Scott you missed.

    This was a post about global warming and polar bears, not Barack Obama.

    But hey since you brought it up I have to disagree. While I am painfully aware that there are numerous in-bred rednecks that would rather never see a monster truck rally for the rest of their lives rather then to vote for a black man, I am confident that there are enough erudite educated voters in this country to easily get Obama into the White House.

    After all we let the hill-billies get their man in office, so don't you think it is time for the more evolved voter to have their chance?

  3. Gryphen - Scott has a Clinton agenda. Check out his blog. He just got one hit from me and will wil get no more. Obama '08! (and I have a vagina and I am saying that - the shame, being a girl person - and a feminist to boot - and not voting for Clinton.) Scott - Clinton agreed to the MI and FL rules and now she wants to change that because she is far behind. She ran a bad campaign. That is not Obama'a fault. Blame the DNC, not the whole country. But, if you insist, go ahead and threaten to vote for McCain, he'll put in judges to overturn Roe v. Wade and who knows what else...that is a good decision, sir!

    Regarding the news story Gryphen, you know the one you actually posted...Republicans have been making the same lame joke for years "oh we are having record snowfalls, guess there is not global warming, (chuckle, chuckle)". It IS and has always BEEN called "Climate Change" BY the scientists. Some places will be colder, some warmer, some wetter, some dryer. The point is that it is human-induced change, and the enormous problems that that will cause for all organisms on the planet.

    Sorry AK pols are generally achy breaky stupid. GA is no better, ya'll!!

  4. Gman...
    you said "tricky little bitch" and that perked Scotts little ears up like a rabbit in heat, and made him pine for Hillary....He has been everywhere tonight spreading his warm candycottenforbrain thoughts...

    ( I think troll season might indeed be starting very early this year)

    I hope the Bears do effect the process up there...your gov has been really impressive- you really think she is a repug...I dooooon't know bout that....

  5. Do you think she may be a Dem only posing posing as a Repug?

    Oooh she is a "tricky little bitch".


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.